Dublin has great …………………,………………… and ………………………….  (museums, galleries, pubs). Trinity College is Ireland’s …………………………………… (oldest and most famous university). You can’t study here, unless ……………………………(you have great exam results)


What does Sam study? What does he do in his free time?

(computer science, editor for a students’ newspaper)


What does Louise study? What does she do in her free time?

(applied psychology, she goes swimming)


What does Laura study? What does she do in her free time?

(English literature, she meets her friends, goes to pubs)


Who says these about Trinity College? (S-Sam, L-Laura, Lo-Louise)

(friendly,  lots of history, good reputation worldwide,  international)


What is the Book of Kells?

(a 1200-year-old manuscript written by Celtic monks)

Vélemény, hozzászólás?
